How do I submit a cover letter (to Journal of Psychological and Educational Research / International Journal of Education and Psychology in the Community)?
A cover letter is a simple, brief business letter, designed to introduce your manuscript to a prospective Editor. If the Guide for Authors does not specify what to include in your cover letter, you may wish to include some of the following items:
1. Specify special considerations that should be given to the paper.
2. A brief background regarding the research involved or how the data was collected.
3. It’s also useful to provide the Editor-in-Chief with any information that will support your submission (e.g. original or confirmatory data, relevance, topicality).
4. Bring to the Editor’s attention any Conflict of Interest or Permissions information which may be relevant. Be sure to upload any accompanying forms or declarations as required to your submission. Please note: When your manuscript is received, it’s considered to be in its ‘final form’ ready to be review, so please check your manuscript carefully before you submit it to the Editor.
Will I receive offprints of my published article?
Offprints are an exact copy of an article published in either paper or digital (PDF) form.
1. With the offprint order form that the corresponding author receives when the article is accepted for publication.
2. From the Elsevier WebShop after your article is published.
Submission Fee
International Journal of Education and Psychology in the Community welcomes article submissions and does not charge a publication fee.